Unlimited tone (アンリミテッド トーン)
衣装提供:lally joe
▶Google Play Music TVCMタイアップ【FREEEEEWAY!!】(2016.6)
▶大成建設 TVCMタイアップ【Change】(2014.8-)
▶山口マツダテレビCM「駆け抜けろ!全国へ!!東京横浜篇」タイアップ【summer drive】(2017.10-)
メンバーは現在、Dody (ドディ) ※写真右、Luz (ルース)※写真左 、Ryohei(リョウヘイ)※写真中央の3人から構成される。
ライブ演奏はピアノ・ギターを弾き語ってのアンプラグドスタイルを始め 実力派のfeaturing Vocal(Additional Vocal)を迎えることで、絶妙なコーラスワークやアカペラなども展開。
歌のワークショップに関してはコチラ→ アンリミ歌のワークショップ【ボイリミ・ファミリミ】
【English profile】
Unlimited Tone is a three-man vocal team brought together by a shared passion to deliver and explore vocal harmony – a style of music they define as “rich and tasteful layering of voices”.
Lovingly nicknamed “Unlimi” by their fans, the trio consists of members Dody (right), Luz (left), and Ryohei (center).
Each having built up successful careers as individual artists, all three members contribute to the group in both songwriting and arranging.
The group is known for their “unplugged” performance style, where the members accompany themselves on guitar and piano. Featuring other talented vocalists at times, Unlimited Tone showcases a wide variety of sound colors with their cleverly constructed harmonies and a cappella arrangements.
Combined with honest lyrics that speak straight to the heart, the power of expression held in their “tone” holds “unlimited” possibilities.
Their music has been featured in many advertisements such as Taisei Corporation’s TV commercial produced by world-renowned director Makoto Shinkai best known for the anime film “Your Name”, TV commercial for Google Play Music, and the opening theme for the popular anime TV series “Tanaka-kun is Always Listless”.
Unlimited Tone是『將具有魅力的聲音(Tone)重疊就能創造無限的可能性』為概念的日本樂團。
他們分別都是活耀的表演藝術者,負責樂團的作詞作曲與編輯。除了以吉他、鋼琴的不插電表演之外, 常與實力派的歌手合作, 呈現出美聲合唱與無伴奏重唱的演出。
Unlimited Tone歌曲有強烈穿透力, 他們用壓倒性的魅力和聲,傳達出擁有豐富生命力與訊息。
Unlimited Tone的歌曲在各領域中廣泛被採用。『你的名字』導演新海誠所執導的日本大成建設之廣告歌曲, GooglePlayMusic 廣告歌曲, 動畫『田中君總是如此慵懶』的主題曲等, 都出自Unlimited Tone之手。
Unlimited Tone是『将具有魅力的声音(Tone)重叠就能创造无限的可能性』为概念的日本乐团。
他们分别都是活耀的表演艺术者,负责乐团的作词作曲与编辑。除了以吉他、钢琴的不插电表演之外, 常与实力派的歌手合作, 呈现出美声合唱与无伴奏重唱的演出。
Unlimited Tone歌曲有强烈穿透力, 他们用压倒性的魅力和声,传达出拥有丰富生命力与讯息。
Unlimited Tone的歌曲在各领域中广泛被采用。『你的名字』导演新海诚所执导的日本大成建设之广告歌曲, GooglePlayMusic 广告歌曲, 动画『田中君总是如此慵懒』的主题曲等, 都出自Unlimited Tone之手。